Monday, January 28, 2013

Chocolate Filled Cupcakes Recipe just in time for Valentine's Day!

As a special treat for you; Kristen and her mom show you her favorite cupcakes from childhood! These are special & don't need icing. The recipe is by a sweet family friend named Deedra Van Dyke of whom has given her permission to reprint and film for YouTube.  Thank you Deedra! Deedra says, "We love to take them camping with us! Just throw them in the cooler and its such a treat!"

The chocolate filled cupcakes have a sweet cream & chocolate chip filling inside. Your friends and families will beg for more!

Also included in the video are two icing recipes for fun. One is a cream cheese made with Oreos blended, perfect for a sock monkey theme! The other is a Butter cream icing with maraschino cherry flavor as well and would be great for Valentine's Day with candied hearts, a cherry or red crystal sprinkles!

See the recipe below & follow along in the YouTube video:

Filled Chocolate Cupcakes 
by Deedra Van Dyke
(Makes 36 servings)

3 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups water
2/3 cup oil
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 tsp vanilla

8 ounces Cream cheese
1 whole egg
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Make filling mixture by beating cream cheese, egg, sugar and salt together and stir in chocolate chips.  Set aside. Preheat oven 350 degrees.  Beat up all other ingredients and fill muffin cups to 1/2 full.  Put a teaspoon of filling on top of each muffin cup and bake for 20 minutes.

Per serving: 173 calories; 8g Fat (40% calories from fat); 2g Protein; 25g Carbohydrate; 12mg Cholesterol; 110mg Sodium
(Nutritional information pulled from an automated system in a recipe software program called MasterChef - info is old)

Happy Baking!

Kristen Mangus
GoodKnit Kisses

How to make Chocolate Filled Cupcakes & Fun icing recipes

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