Friday, September 16, 2011

Featured on FaveCraftsBlog in Meet & Make: Kristen Mangus

GoodKnitKisses excited to announce I'm being featured today in FaveCraftsBlog "Meet and Make".  This is a blog on Fridays that features a designer.  You learn 10 or so random facts about them and then get a FREE pattern or tutorial.  Today features my Granny Round.  BUT I have stepped it up and single crocheted the loom knit circles together to show you what a blanket would look like.  I love it!  I hope you do as well.  They have also included the video tutorial to make it super easy. Here is the link.   

I do have an exciting announcement!  GoodKnitKisses will be featuring a GIVEAWAY!! This will be in the next two weeks so keep your eyes peeled.  (Disclaimer - due to the vendor the prize will only be available to US and Canadian residents.  If our international friends want to participate I will give you a special prize.  I don't want to leave anyone out!)

Stay tuned.Happy Looming and Crafting everyone! P.S. Scroll below for more pictures of the blanket not on the FaveCraftsBlog and a video tutorial again.


To see the granny round video visit ----> or click the video below.


  1. Congratulations, Kristin! That's terrific news! :) I love how you've assembled your granny rounds into a adorable. Those colors are some of my favorites too! :)
